Kickoff of the Protein Pioneers Cluster: Laying the Groundwork for Sustainable Protein Innovation

On October 30, 2024, the Protein Pioneers cluster held the kickoff meeting. The protein pioneers is a cluster formed by EU-funded projects with the common objective of transforming the protein production with sustainable innovation. This online meeting brought together representatives from INNOPROTEIN, CHEERS, CIRCALGAE, BIOSCHAMP, and LIKE-A-PRO, setting a strong foundation for impactful collaboration.
But who are the partners of InnoProtein in this adventure?
- CHEERS: revalorizes brewing industry waste into high-value bio-products. Using a biorefinery approach, it reduces resource use and environmental impact within the beer production chain.
- CIRCALGAE: Dedicated to sustainable algae-based biorefineries, CIRCALGAE aims to create high-value ingredients for feed, food, and cosmetics while supporting healthier aquatic ecosystems.
- BIOSCHAMP: BIOSCHAMP promotes sustainable mushroom farming by developing a low-peat alternative casing, reducing pesticide use and improving the productivity and sustainability of the European mushroom sector.
- LIKE-A-PRO: LIKE-A-PRO advances sustainable diets by shifting alternative proteins from niche to mainstream, utilizing plant, microbe, ocean, fungus, and insect-based protein sources.
During the meeting, together we set clear shared objectives, discussed a common approach in communication and dissemination activities and mapped the future steps, establishing a harmonized strategy and roadmap for collaboration. Stay tuned for updates on our progress, insights from our research, and ways you can get involved in shaping the future of sustainable protein production. Follow us via #ProteinPioneers and don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for all the updates!